(Click the card above for more info, RP, etc.)
Sweep -n- Suds
Zimzimki Shimizu
Goblet ~W23 ~P8

When available, I offer various services to those in need:Too busy out slaying monsters to tackle the spriggans under your bed? I'm the Lala for the job!Don't have time to sweep those floors prior to your guests arriving? Send a moogle my way and I'll head on over.Strewn smallclothes piling up? Count on me to launder and fold your delicates with care.Tore your favorite vest while fishing? Put the hook down and I'll pick up my needle and thread.Must needs a parcel delivered but unable to get to a Delivery Moogle in time? Call me via 'pearl!Attending a meeting of great import' and require notes, but you don't want to remove your gauntlets? I'll be your scribe.Or, alas, your garden is being overrun by invasive morbol seedlings? Allow me to uproot them!

You may reach me on Coeurl. The Goblet: Ward 23, Plot 8Or find Sweep 'n Suds on Discord

Zimzimki Shimizu

Age: 27
DOB: 1st Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Gender: Female
Height: 2 fulm, 11 ilm
Weight: 35 ponze
Alignment: Lawful Chaotic GoodEmployment: Is a laundress, as well as Manager/Barkeep at the Crimson Casino~RP interests: anything as long as it's clean (get it?). I'm a huge fan of /random or /random 20-led RP. In-character shenanigans more often than not will be journaled and published at some point. But most importantly? Play to your character. And have fun!
I'm always available for RP if online. Send a /say or /tell or just drop on by. NO ERP.
((OOC - feel free to peruse))
You may reach me on Coeurl. The Goblet: Ward 23, Plot 8Or find Sweep 'n Suds on Discord

Various business around Hydaelyn that I adore!
Name/Link | Description |
A Podcast Reborn | FFXIV Podcast |
Crimson Casino | Casino |
Dark Star Hostelry | Tavern/Fight Pits |
Greener Pastures | Animal Sanctuary/Hiking |
Hangman's Jig | Tavern/Fight Pit |
House of Virtue | Casino |
Liar's Gambit | Tavern/Arm Wrestling |
Spriggan & Spice | Teahouse |
U-ACT Initiative | Outreach |
I offer various services for a fair wage. Prices are negotiable.
Tips are not accepted.

Price List
(In-game gil not required, but appreciated)

For-Hire Services
Services | Prices |
Deliveries | 500 gil + travel costs |
Greenskeeping | 500 gil per bell |
Housecleaning (apartment) | 1,000 gil |
Housecleaning (small) | 2,000 gil |
Housecleaning (medium) | 8,000 gil |
Housecleaning (large) | 12,000 gil |
Laundry Service | 500 gil per basket |
Mending (fabrics only) | 100 gil per item |
Notetaking | 250 gil per bell |
Market Tasks/Shopping | 2,000 gil + costs |
You may reach me on Coeurl. The Goblet: Ward 23, Plot 8Or find Sweep 'n Suds on Discord

House Sepame DC checks
Description | Dice Type | DC | Success | Fail | Crit Fail | Crit Success |
Finding Gil | d1,000 | N/A | Amount rolled is amount found | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Sweeping | d20 | 6 | Adequate cleanliness | Missed a few spots | Broom breaks | Gleaming floors |
Arliana Room Carpet | d20 | 10 | No issues | There's a spot or stain | Damaged piling with slime | Looks new |
Pool | d20 | 10 | Cleaned all scum | There's ick | Get creative | Pristine |
Dusting | d20 | 5 | Looks decent | Dust. Everywhere. | Drop and break item | What dust? |
Windows | d20 | 8 | Mighty good job | Streaks everywhere | Pushed too hard & broke glass | Immaculate |
Mending | d20 | vs d20 | Job is better the higher the roll | Frankenstein stitches | Damaged further | Indiscernible repair |
Laundry | d20 (w/ Adv.) | vs d20 | Higher the roll, cleaner the garments | Failed to get some stains out, etc. | Item shrank or dyed | Better than new |
Notetaking | d20 | 8 | Lower the roll, more illegible the notes | N/A | Completely illegible | Easily readible |
Wash Dishes | d20 | 10 | No issues | There's a bit of stuck food | Dropped & shattered | Looks brand new |
Oldroses | d20 | 8 | Look & smell lovely | Failed to water; Fail 2x row: some are dying | Mispruned and hacked off several heads | Propagated a new set |
Cheese Inspection | d20 | 7 | Roll d2: 1=no mold; 2=mold. If yes, d2: 1=small; 2=too large | Failed to see obvious mold | Missed mold on multiple cheese wheels (d4) | Thoroughly inspected everything, removed all wheels, dusted cabinet, replaced cheese |
Bread Inspection | d20 | 8 | Roll d2: 1=no mold; 2=mold. | Failed to see obvious mold | Missed mold on multiple loaves (d4) | Thoroughly inspected everything, removed all bread, dusted cabinet, replaced bread |
Greenskeeping | d20 | 5 | Fine job | Left a few dead petals/leaves/etc. | Destroyed a plant or bed | Immaculate |
Weekly cleaning entire Estate, except private rooms.May need to take notes at times.Agreed upon price 3,500 gil per week.Tied rolls = a success
Inquisitor Travanchet DC checks
Description | Dice Type | DC | Success | Fail | Crit Fail | Crit Success |
Finding Orchestrion Roll | d20 | 15 | Finds roll | Doesn't | Tears the precious roll | She must play it! |
Sweeping | d20 | 6 | Adequate cleanliness | Missed a few spots | Broom breaks | Gleaming floors |
Dusting | d20 | 5 | Looks decent | Dust. Everywhere. | Drop and break item | What dust? |
Mending | d20 | vs d20 | Job is better the higher the roll | Frankenstein stitches | Damaged further | Indiscernible repair |
Deliveries | d20 | 8 | Delivery complete | Still searching for recipient | Lost item | Arrived early |
Laundry | d20 (w/ Adv.) | vs d20 | Higher the roll, cleaner the garments | Failed to get some stains out, etc. | Item shrank or dyed | Better than new |
Notetaking | d20 | 8 | Lower the roll, more illegible the notes | N/A | Completely illegible | Easily readible |
Market Tasks/Shopping | d20 | 9 | Obtain item(s) | Unable to locate | Was mugged and lost gil | Procured something else, too |
Agreed upon services:
Weekly cleaning of front-half of apartment (500gil)
Weekly laundry services (250gil)
As-needed notetaking (250gil)Weekly: 1,000 - 1,250 gil, depending on notesOOC Note: bring random blooms every week to brighten up officeIf additional services are needed, here's services/rates list.Tied rolls = failure on Zim's part
Ume & Rho DC checks
Description | Dice Type | DC | Success | Fail | Crit Fail | Crit Success |
Finding Gil | d10,000 | N/A | Amount rolled is amount found | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Sweeping | d20 | 6 | Adequate cleanliness | Missed a few spots; mayhaps damaged water crystals | Broom breaks | Gleaming floors |
Dusting | d20 | 5 | Looks decent | Dust. Everywhere. | Drop and break item | What dust? |
Cleaned displays/tank | d20 | 8 | Mighty good job | Streaks everywhere | Pushed too hard & broke glass | So clean you don't even know there's glass there |
Mending | d20 | vs d20 | Job is better the higher the roll | Frankenstein stitches | Damaged further | Indiscernible repair |
Greenskeeping | d20 | 5 | Fine job | Left a few dead leaves | Destroyed bed | Immaculate |
Deliveries | d20 | 8 | Delivery complete | Still searching for recipient | Lost item | Arrived early |
Laundry | d20 (w/ Adv.) | vs d20 | Higher the roll, cleaner the garments | Failed to get some stains out, etc. | Item shrank or dyed | Better than new |
Notetaking | d20 | 8 | Lower the roll, more illegible the notes | N/A | Completely illegible | Easily readible |
Market Tasks/Shopping | d20 | 9 | Obtain item(s) | Unable to locate | Was mugged and lost gil | Procured something else, too |
Cheese Inspection | d20 | 7 | Roll d2: 1=no mold; 2=mold. If yes, d2: 1=small; 2=too large | Failed to see obvious mold | Missed mold on multiple cheese wheels (d4) | Thoroughly inspected everything, removed all wheels, dusted cabinet, replaced cheese |
Bread Inspection | d20 | 8 | Roll d2: 1=no mold; 2=mold. | Failed to see obvious mold | Missed mold on multiple loaves (d4) | Thoroughly inspected everything, removed all wheels, dusted cabinet, replaced cheese |
Note: tied rolls = success on Zim's part
General Clientele DC checks
Description | Dice Type | DC | Success | Crit Fail | Crit Success |
Finding Gil | d1000 | N/A | Amount rolled is amount found | N/A | N/A |
Sweeping | d20 | 6 | Adequate cleanliness | Broom breaks | Gleaming floors |
Dusting | d20 | 5 (+for height) | Looks decent | Drop and break item | What dust? |
Washing windows | N/A | N/A | If no way to reach: impossible | N/A | N/A |
Mending | d20 | vs d20 | Job is better the higher the roll | Damaged further | Indiscernible repair |
Greenskeeping | d20 | 5 | Get creative | Destroyed bed | Immaculate |
Deliveries | d20 | 5 | Delivery complete | Lost item | Arrived early |
Laundry | d20 (w/ Adv) | vs d20 | Higher the roll, cleaner the garments | Item shrank or dyed | Better than new |
Notetaking | d20 | 8 | Lower the roll, more illegible the notes | Completely illegible | Easily readible |
Market Tasks/Shopping | d20 | 9 | Obtain item(s) | Couldn't find or robbed | Procured something else, too |
Note: tied rolls = ask client if success or failure
* Formerly Zimzimki Zimki;
* Born & raised in Ul'dah by adopted Elezen family;
* Formerly employed by the Bastion as stewardess;
* Opened own business as laundress & housekeep;
* Presently indebted to pirates;
* Eloped the 26th sun of the Second Umbral Moon.PERSONAL HISTORY: The Long-Winded StuffWhen she was younger, her parents both died of unknown causes. The mystery was never solved. But Zim, her younger sister and her older brother, were all adopted by an Elezen family that lived in Ul'dah. They lived in a small apartment and lived an ordinary life. She has an unopened letter written to her by her mother. She's never had the courage to open it...Her adopted father would often bring her to the library and opened her eyes to the wondrous worlds tomes offered. She chose to become a laundress, while her sister became a leatherworker and her brother a farmer. Books offered so many questions, answers, and mysteries. And her brother taught her the ways of tilling the soil to grow...what else? Popotoes!One fateful day while aboard a ferry, she was playing a solo game of ball and (unnoticed by the crew) plummeted unceremoniously from the deck into the sea below.Her cries for help were devoured by the waves and she clung miserably to the floating ball for quite some time. A tiny popoto-lure in a sea of (possibly) hungry sharks. Finally, a small ocean vessel passed by and she was quickly snatched out of the water by an Au Ra that was out deep sea fishing. She learned his name was Karaku Kaifu.And she owed him her life. She'd lost all of her possessions. Although he said it was not needed, she would follow him to the ends of Hydaelyn.The Ruby Princess, though, had other plans. Wary of strangers, she ordered Karaku and his entourage to the surface, to search for the city of Nym. Joined by their guard, Altanai, misadventures occurred above the waves.For a few moons, they lived and learned and searched. Ran into some untoward folk and creatures, made friends, lost friends. Until one day:Unfortunately, the sea dragons were beckoned back to the Ruby Sea and Zim was so traumatized by the waves that she could not follow. Rather, she chose to stay on land and was able to rent a small apartment in Ul'dah. She was recruited into a small band of merchants, Three Sisters Trading Company. And Zim was delighted that Altanai also chose to stay above the waves with her. Recently, Zim left the employ of Three Sisters for their somewhat illicit procurement of goods, although many items were legitimately ontained.EMPLOYMENT
Zim has opened up her own cleaning, launder, and groundskeeping services. A way to keep her own coffers lined with a bit of gil.In her free time, she enjoys tending to popotoes and other crops, reading tomes, gambling of all sorts, and taking long naps burrowed under the covers.FAILURES & EMBARRASSMENTS
She struggles with cleaning shoes and armor, and will likely have to refer such services to other professionals...MORALITY & PHILOSOPHY
She truly gains joy in the helping others. Whether it be lifting spirits, playing a game of cards, swapping stories, or just listening. Life is too short. She's lost so much. Find joy and spread it as oft' as able.KNOWN LANGUAGES
Common (aka Hyur)
Lalafell (lalafellen)

Just finished delivering a parcel to Kiladus Dayfield. And this candle flame was...calling to me
Learnin' Triple Triad from the master...
Waitin' for customers to just roll in...
This one time...I soiled the pools of Goblet with my gaseous essence.
Speaking of gaseous: there's Farfnir. Who is fed a diet of Lalafellin Lentils and always farts
Zim's got feathers upon feathers!
Enjoying a beautiful country stroll with Farfnir
Those sammiches don't stand a chance...
An eve' out with friends
"Nay, Farfnir, we've no time for a snack!!"
Farfnir & Zim: Pretty in Pink
The perfect spot in Goblet to sunbathe
A night in a hot tub with friends
I dunno how we're gonna get you outta this one, Farfnir
Focusing on what really matters: rice balls
Posin' tough for the new hairdo!
Playing a fierce game of Triple Triad with Mr. Rho
The 'Suds got an upgrade via gobbie metalworkings!
Feelin' Fancy!
Dancin' at the Gold Saucer
Keeping hydrated near the Forgotten Springs